le cmene
- la fekcrida - demon
- la daspo fekcrida - bad demons
- la sepli fekcrida - good demons
lardai - piece of art
d1 is a piece of art created by process l1 which is an art creative application of craft/skill l2 (idea/activity)
velji'i - evidence
tacsa'e - lick
tance satre
s1 = t2 (agent) licks / strokes / rubs s2 with tounge s3 = t1;x3 useful only for things with more than one tongue
x1 satre x2 x3 gi'e se tance x3 .i je x3 srana da po'o poi ponse su'o re tance
tatyji'o - nipple
see gi'uste tatru
tatru jipno
sakcpu - suck (agentive)
see gi'uste sakci
sakci lacpu
cindji - lust
cinse djica
d1 = c1 lusts for / sexually desires activity / state d2 = c2 for purpose d3 thereby exhibiting sexuality / gender / sexual orientation c3 (ka) by standard c4;x3 is usually "lo nu se pluka / tolcortu" or similar
x1 x2 djica x3 gi'e cinse x4 x5 .i x3 so'e roi mintu lo nu se pluka ja tolcortu kei .a lo simsa
tolcortu - pleasure
ralcinfra - orgasm
ralju ke cinse frati
f1 = c1 has an orgasm in response to stimulus f3 under conditions f4, thereby exhibiting sexuality / gender / sexual orientation c3 (ka) by standard c4;f2, c2 and all places of ralju lost to the concept of orgasm
x1 lo ralju be lo cinse se frati bei lo ka pluka be'o frati x2 x3 gi'e cinse x4 x5
UNUSED baisludesku - convulsion
Muscle d1 = s1 convulses / siezes / cramps / involuntarily moves in response to force / event d2 = b1 affecting bodily function s2 in body s3; x4 has a seizure in muscle x1
x1 desku x2 poi bapli kei gi'e sluji x3 x4
tupyjanco - hip
bargau - leave; go outside of
slupli - exercise
jesydi'u - tower
jesni dinju
d1 = j1 is a tower / needle shaped building for purpose d2 made of material(s) j2
x1 dinju be x2 co jesni x3
tabykrili - diamond
tabno krili
t1 = k1 is a quantity of / contains / is made of diamond / crystalline carbon in form/arrangement k3;k2 subsumed (is carbon)
x1 krili lo tabno po'o x2
ka'orze'a - heal
kanro + zenba
z1=k1 (experiencer) heals / increases in health by amount z3 by health stabdard k2; z2 dropped; z3 could be used to describe a completed aspect of healing
x1 zenba fi x2 fe lo ka ce'u kanro x3
rejgau - record, agentive
desygau - shake/wave (agentive)
purlamke'u - previous time
tolcro - pleasure
tolcanci - appear
tengau - stretch (agentive)
g1 stretches t1;g1 causes t1 to stretch / extendto range t2 interval/extent in dimension t3 from relaxed range t4
x1 gasnu lo nu x2 tcena x3 x4 x5
brabra - massive, giant
pofgau - break (functional)
popygau - break (physical)
jivgau - convince
jinvi gasnu
g1 convinxes / causes j1 to think / opine j2 opinion (du'u) is true about subject/issue j3 on grounds j4: x5 is often something like "because x1 said so"
x1 gasnu lo nu x2 jinvi x3 x4 x5 .i x5 pi so'i roi simsa lo du'u x1 catni cusku
xukmrmodafinili - Modafinil
x1 is a quantity of the drug Modafinil
sligau - wave / wag
slilu gasnu
g1 wags / waves causes s1 to oscillate at rate/frequency s2 through set/sequence-of-states s3 (complete specification)
x1 gasnu lo nu x2 slilu x3 x4
jdegau - warn
From gismu list kajde
g1 warns / cautions k2 (person) of / about danger k3
loses k1; check that
zgagau - point out
zgana gasnu
g1 points out / indicates to observer z1 object / event z2 observable using senses/means z3 under conditions z4; g1 causes z1 to notice z2
x1 gasnu lo nu x2 zgana x3 x4 x5
gapmla - above
cuxyvra - siwtch
cuxna vraga
v1 = c1 is a switch / toggle for choosing from set/sequence of alternatives v2 = c3, with fulcrum v3 and arm v4 with current selection c2 choice
x1 cuxna vraga lo nu cuxna fi x2 kei x3 x4 fi'o ca se cuxna x5
BAH! - pavypa'a - expect
pa pacna
x1 expects / predixts / event x2 with a subjectively expected likelihood at or near 1.0; x1 is certain / near certain that event x2 will occur
x1 pacna x2 li ji'i pa
peisku - has thought
x1 thinks x2
Defined in jbovlaste.
badgau - defender
x1 causes event x2 which defends ...
Defined in jbovlaste.
tolrinsa - offers goodbyes
Defined in jbovlaste.
blupinxe - vampire
Defined in jbovlaste.
nerklaji - hallway
x1 klaji x2 x3 gi'e nenri x2
Defined in jbovlaste.
dakxa'i - dagger
Defined in jbovlaste.
cladakxa'i - sword
x1 xarci x2 x3 gi'e dakfu x2 x4 gi'e clani fi x5
Defined in jbovlaste.
rajyserti - ladder
Defined in jbovlaste.
oxtapodi - octopus
Defined in jbovlaste.
cmibi'o - join
cmima binxo
x1 binxo lo cmima be x2 x3
b1=c1 becomes a member of group b2=c2 under conditions b3
remsmimi'i - automaton
remna simsa minji
x1 cu minji x2 gi'e xadni simsa lo remna
m1 = r1 = s1 is an automaton / mostly unintelligent androi d / humanoid machine for purpose m2 (s2 is "lo remna")
rapcreze'a - practice
rapli certu zenba
z1 = c1 (experiencer) increases in skill / expertise at z2 = c2 by amount z3 by means of reapeating action r1 r2 times
x1 zenba lo ka ke'a certu x2 vau x3 se zu'e lo nu x4 rapli x5
nurfu'i - backup
snura fukpi
f1 is a backup / danger avoiding duplicate / copy of f2 = s1 in form / medium f3 made by method f4 to protect / secure against event s2 (generally destruction or loss)
x1 fukpi x2 x3 x4 te zu'e lo nu x2 snura x5 to x5 so'e roi daspo gi'a nu cirko toi
dabytadji - martial art
damba tadji
t1 is a fighting technique / martial art used under conditions t3 by d1 (specific opponent and issue not usually relevant to technique)
x1 tadji lo nu damba kei x2 gau x3 poi ke'a damba to lo se damba .e lo te damba cu so'a roi na srana lo tadji toi
ja'urxe'a - beak
jgalu xedja
j1 = x1 is a / the beak / talon-like jaw (body part) of j2 = x2
x1 jgalu je xedja x2
ruxse'i - soul
See pruxi entry.
p1 = s1 is the soul / spiritual self of s2
x1 pruxi gi'e sevzi x2
xairgau - injurer
g1 causes event x1 which injures / harms / damages victim x2 in property x3 (ka) resulting in injury x4 (state)
x1 gasnu x2 poi ke'a xrani x3 x4 x5
tu'urbirka - tentacle
b1 = t1 is a tentacle / tube-shaped arm body-part of b2 (t2, t3 obvious from b2; generally skin and blood / flesh
x1 birka x2 gi'e tubnu da poi mapti x2 gi'e so'e roi skina vau de poi mapti x2 gi'e so'e roi ciblu ja rectu
spogau - destroyer
g1 destroys, using /through event d1, object / person d2
x1 gasnu lo nu x2 daspo x3
celgunta - shoot
g1 (person/mass) shoots victim g2 with goal /objective g3 using launcher / gun c1 which launches /fires /shoots projectile/missile c2, propelled by c3 propellant /propulsion
x1 gunta x2 x3 se pi'o x4 poi ke'a cecla x5 x6
faurtei - has duration
f1 is an event that has time / temporal duration t1 ranging from starting time / event t2 to ending time / event t3
x1 fasnu ca x2 poi ke'a temci x3 x4
xumjimcelxa'i - gun
xukmi jinme cecla xarci
x1= c1 is a gun / chemically launched metal sluq throwing weapon for use against x2 by x3: weapon fires metallic objects x4 using chemical propellant x5
x1 poi xarci x2 x3 cu cecla x4 poi jinme ra'u vau x5 poi xukmi ra'u